Friday, October 7, 2016

14 – No More Articles

No Reason for Any More Articles

It seems to me that some readers of this blog have expectations for more elaboration than I had been able to provide to-date, but in reality, I have hardly anything else new that is significant to add.  (Of course, I could keep writing on related but peripheral issues, but then, that won’t be very productive.) 

True, earlier articles were largely conceptual and thus highly abstract; they also captured only limited aspects of our complex problem.  Further, since the problem was clear to me, I had implicitly assumed that I had communicated to readers all that was there to be communicated.  But later interactions with some recipients of my direct emails, coupled with a growing insight into the nature of understanding, gave me pause, and I came to realize that without the appropriate backgrounds and experiences, many readers, while competent in their own fields, may find it difficult to grasp the full ramifications of the problem at a broader level – which in fact underlies the central message of this blog.  And this in turn led to the elaborative articles following the first two pieces, namely, “1 – Introduction” and “2 – Education and Fundamentalism.” 

But I believe that the last article, “13 – World Basic Education,” had effectively redressed those shortcomings (which arose from both semantics and coverage), for it had articulated the nature of the problem in a most down-to-earth and practical way, and its references to specific aspects in the earlier writings had added to the comprehensiveness of treatment of the topic’s various dimensions.  This was besides its having outlined the elements of a practical and effective solution, although by necessity, partial. 

Thus, as had been pointed out in blog articles repeatedly, the ball is now in the court of the educators, especially those who had grasped the full dimensions of the problem and their ramifications, and it is up to them to get the vision realized – through the mechanisms suggest by me or otherwise – and help humanity to rise from its currently miserable existence to hitherto unprecedented heights. 

And as had been pointed out variously in the articles, I believe that realizing that vision is practically possible by reforming the world’s basic education system, which in its turn is realizable by interactions of the relevant educators; the fastest and most effective way to achieve the latter being via collaboration of educators in all the six disciplines relevant to our topic (see paragraph 9 of “9 – Last Explanation”) and on a global scale, given the multidisciplinary/entwined nature of both the problem and the solution  (the logic of this is outlined in footnote #2 of “1 – Introduction”; see also the second part of “9 – Last Explanation” and last four paragraphs of the last article, #13).  But I am fully aware that such an undertaking would be most likely preceded by much more limited endeavours and over a lengthier time frame. 

Needless to say that I shall be available to clarify any ambiguities and/or elaborate on any aspects as deemed necessary, as mentioned in the last paragraph of the last article.  Not only that; I shall also be available for coordinating and bridge-building among the professionals of the six basic disciplines (see the second part of “9 – Last Explanation”) – in spite of the fact that I do not have expert knowledge of any of the six disciplines involved.***  I believe that such an effort would be called for, given the usual fragmentation of knowledge pertaining to any given topic and also given that I do have a good realistic grasp of the big picture and hence a modest ability to help reconcile competing perspectives.  It was in fact my becoming aware of the topic’s complexity that led me to the insightful understanding of the most vital/critical factor underlying the pathetic state of human existence that I had dwelt on this blog, which in turn provided the impetus for the insights sketched out here (for an overview of the process, see "5 – From a Local Focus to a Global One"). 
*** My involvement, as readers of this blog would be aware, is from a development standpoint – that is, about improving human wellbeing to a state better than the current status.  And as we saw, delving into the state of humanity (notably through examples sprinkled in the blog articles such as the one dwelt-on in footnote #2 of the last article, and the nature of the problem that led to it) had revealed its pathetic state and also that policy makers, by and large, don’t know what-the-hell they are doing, along with the primary reason underlying that devastating failure of unimaginable proportions, and hence consequences, on a global scale, which in turn pointed to the effective and practical, albeit necessarily partial, solution suggested in the writings.  (See also article #10, “A Summary …,” and “About Me” at the end of the blog.)  

A Word on Direct Mail:  I had emailed all the earlier writings to the 35,000 or so educators listed on  But beginning early 2016, Google had imposed severe restrictions on emailing (it turned out that other service providers also have similar restrictions), and I had not been able to send the most recent articles to a large portion of those on the list.  Before that, however, I had fully covered all recipients in some nations, including the US, UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Austria, and Belgium, which still amounts to only about 40% of those on the list.  I shall try to cover the rest as soon as I can.  [Given the difficulties just mentioned, the PDF version of this piece (# 14) will not be emailed to anyone (as I have done earlier) and will be made available only as this blog-post.  I apologize for any inconvenience.]